Unter der Sonne · Under the sun


Deutsche und englische Lyrik

So schnell geht                   The sun goes by

diese Sonne unter,             so fast

sogar Tyrannen                  even tyrants

wissen nicht,                       don’t know

was folgen wird                  what will follow

auf das Feuer                      the fire

in den Straßen.                   in the streets.


This dual-language lyric collection features David Radavich’s German poems with English translations, along with four English poems translated into German by leading scholars and writers. The first of three sections focuses on Stuttgart and Southwest Germany, where the author taught as a visiting Fulbright professor. The second section explores literature and history, while the third concentrates on travel to new realms. Radavich exhibits a kinship with German writers such as Friedrich Hölderlin, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Hilde Domin, whom he knew personally. This new collection represents a signal departure from his earlier work—into another language, another lyric sensibility, and a dual perspective that opens readers to a literary tradition beyond American shores.


Unter der Sonne · Under the sun

ISBN: 978-3-8422-4780-2
Veröffentlichung: 03/12/2021


84 Seiten


10.80 Euro (D)
11.10 Euro (A)

Über den/die Autor*in

David Radavich, Lyriker, Dramatiker und Essayist, war zwei Jahre als Fulbright-Gastprofessor an der Universität Stuttgart tätig. Seine Gedichtbände schließen zwei Epen – America Bound (2007) und America Abroad (2019) – sowie Middle-East Mezze (2011) und The Countries We Live In (2014) ein. Radavichs Theaterstücke wurden mehrmals inszeniert. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Here’s Plenty.

David Radavich’s earliest poetry collection, Slain Species, was published in London in 1980. Following By the Way: Poetry Over the Years (1998) and Greatest Hits (2000), he published a pair of epics, America Bound (2007) and America Abroad (2019), as well as Canonicals: Love’s Hours (2009), Middle-East Mezze (2011) and The Countries We Live In (2014). Also an accomplished playwright, Radavich has written over twenty-five plays, six of which were performed Off-Off-Broadway and in Europe. His scholarly and informal essays have been published widely. He has served as president of the Thomas Wolfe Society, Charlotte Writers’ Club, and North Carolina Poetry Society and currently administers the Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series.

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